Original Article
  • Prediction of Ablation Properties of Polyimide Based Thermal Protective Composites under LEO and sub-LEO Environment
  • Inseok Jeon*, Seunghwa Yang**†

  • * Chung-ang University, The School of Energy System Engineering
    ** Chung-ang University, The Department of Energy System Engineering

  • 지구 저궤도 및 준저궤도 환경에서의 폴리이미드 기반 열보호 복합재료의 삭마특성 예측
  • 전인석* · 양승화**†

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This Article

Correspondence to

  • Seunghwa Yang
  • ** Chung-ang University, The Department of Energy System Engineering

  • E-mail: fafala@cau.ac.kr