Original Article
  • Finite Element Formulation Based on Enhanced First-order Shear Deformation Theory for Thermo-mechanical Analysis of Laminated Composite Structures
  • Jun-Sik Kim*, Dae-Hyeon Na**, Jang-Woo Han**†

  • * Department of Mechanical System Engineering, Kumoh National Institute of Technology
    ** Department of Mechanical Design Engineering, Kumoh National Institute of Technology

  • 복합소재 적층 구조물에 대한 열-기계적 거동 예측을 위한 개선된 일차전단변형이론의 유한요소 정식화
  • 김준식* · 나대현** · 한장우**†

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This Article

Correspondence to

  • Jang-Woo Han
  • Department of Mechanical Design Engineering, Kumoh National Institute of Technology

  • E-mail: uddan@kumoh.ac.kr