Original Article
  • Investigation of Viscoelastic Properties of EPDM/PP Thermoplastic Vulcanizates for Reducing Innerbelt Weatherstrip Squeak Noise of Electric Vehicles
  • Seunghyun Cho*1, Bumyong Yoon*1, Sanghyun Lee**,***, Kyoung Min Hong****, Sang Hyun Lee****, Jonghwan Suhr*,**†

  • * Department of Polymer Science and Engineering, Sungkyunkwan University
    ** School of Mechanical Engineering, Sungkyunkwan University
    *** Research & Development Division, Hyundai Motor Company
    **** TPE Development Team, Hwaseung Material

  • 전기차 인너벨트 웨더스트립용 EPDM/PP Thermoplastic Vulcanizates 재료설계인자에 따른 점탄성과 글라스 마찰 소음 상관관계 연구
  • 조승현*1 ·윤범용*1 ·이상현**,***·홍경민****·이상현****·서종환*,**†

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This Article

Correspondence to

  • onghwan Suhr
  • * Department of Polymer Science and Engineering, Sungkyunkwan University
    ** School of Mechanical Engineering, Sungkyunkwan University

  • E-mail: suhr@skku.edu