Original Article
  • Static Strength of Composite Single-lap Joints Using I-fiber Stitching Process with different Stitching Pattern and Angle
  • Sang-Hoon Song*, Joong-Tak Back*, Woo-Jin An*, Jin-Ho Choi*

  • Research Center for Aircraft Parts Tschnology, School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Gyeongsang National University

  • I-fiber Stitching 공법을 적용한 복합재료 Single-lap Joint의 Stitching 패턴과 각도에 따른 정적 강도 연구
  • 송상훈* · 백중택* · 안우진* · 최진호*

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This Article

Correspondence to

  • Jin-Ho Choi
  • Research Center for Aircraft Parts Tschnology, School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Gyeongsang National University

  • E-mail: choi@gnu.ac.kr