Original Article
  • Polymerization Shrinkage Behavior Measured by Digital Image Correlation for Methacrylate-based and Silorane-based Composites During Dental Restoration
  • Jung-Hoon Park*, Nak-Sam Choi**

  • * Department of Mechanical Engineering, Graduate School, Hanyang University, Seoul, Korea
    **† Department of Mechanical Engineering, Hanyang University, Ansan, Korea

  • 디지털 이미지 상관법을 이용한 Methacrylate기질과 Silorane기질 복합레진의 치아 수복 시 중합수축거동
  • 박정훈* · 최낙삼**

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This Article

Correspondence to

  • Nak-Sam Choi
  • Department of Mechanical Engineering, Hanyang University, Ansan, Korea

  • E-mail: nschoi@hanyang.ac.kr