Original Article
  • Effect of Adhesive Shear Strength of CFRP/Ni-Cr Alloy Under Severe Environmental Condition
  • Hyeon-Tae Cho*, Seong-Min Park*, Min-Jun Kim*, Van-Tho Hoang**, Hak-Inn Kim***,
    Myung-Sook Son***, Jong-Kee Ahn***, Ji-Min An****, Jin-Ho Choi*, Young-Woo Nam*†, Jin-Hwe Kweon*†

  • * Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering, Gyeong-sang National University
    ** Department of Aerospace and System Engineering, Research Center for Aircraft Parts Technology, Gyeong-sang National University
    *** Advanced Technology Team, Aerospace R&D Center, Hanwha Aerospace
    **** R&D Center, Kolon Dacc Composite

  • 가혹 환경이 복합재/Ni-Cr 합금 접착전단강도에 미치는 영향 연구
  • 조현태* · 박성민* · 김민준* · 황반토** · 김학인*** · 손명숙*** · 안종기*** · 안지민**** · 최진호* · 남영우*† · 권진회*†


The mechanical property related to lap shear strength of the joint structure between carbon fiber reinforced polymer (CFRP) composite and metal (Ni-Cr Alloy) under varying environmental conditions (temperature and humidity) was studied in order to apply to the aircraft fan blade. Room temperature dry (RTD), elevated temperature wet (ETW), and cold temperature dry (CTD) environmental conditions were chosen for investigation based on the flight conditions of aircraft. Lap shear strength tests were conducted according to ASTM Standard D3528 to evaluate the shear strength. The microstructure characteristic of failure zone was analyzed by SEM images to check the adhesive shear strength with the three environmental conditions. In comparison with shear strength for the RTD condition, the shear strength in the ETW condition was reduced by 72.8% while those for the CTD condition increased by 56.5%. The moisture absorption and high temperature in ETW condition strongly had an affect on mechanical property of adhesive, while cold temperature could enhance the adhesive shear strength due to the higher brittleness.

본 논문에서는 항공기 팬 블레이드에 적용되는 복합재와 금속 간의 접합 구조물에 대한 온도, 습도에 따른 접착제의 물성 변화에 관해 연구하였다. 항공기 운용 시 노출되는 환경 조건을 고려하여 상온 건조(Room Temperature Dry, RTD), 고온 흡습(Evaluated Temperature Wet, ETW), 저온 건조(Cold Temperature Dry, CTD) 세가지 환경에서 강도 시험을 수행하였다. 접착전단강도 시험은 ASTM D3528을 기준으로 수행하였고, 파손 영역에 대한 마이크로 구조 특성을 SEM이미지를 통해 분석하였다. 연구 결과에 따르면 RTD 환경에서의 전단강도 대비하여 ETW 환경에서 72.8% 저하되었으며, CTD 환경에서는 56.5% 증가되었다. 이는 고온 및 수분 흡습이 접착제의 기계적 특성에 큰 영향을 미치는 것을 확인했고, 저온 환경에서는 모재와 접착제 모두 취성의 증가로 인해 접착 전단 강도가 향상된 것으로 분석되었다.

Keywords: 복합재(Composite), 접착전단강도(Adhesive shear strength), 고온 흡습(Elevated temperature wet), 저온 건조(Cold temperature dry)

This Article

Correspondence to

  • Young-Woo Nam, Jin-Hwe Kweon
  • Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering, Gyeong-sang National University

  • E-mail: ywnam@gnu.ac.kr, jhkweon@gnu.ac.kr